Escorts know that the success of their business is conditional upon certain rules. One of the imperatives is keeping their professional lives separate from their personal realm. Geneva escorts establish and maintain clear boundaries with their clients in order to exclude any intersection between their two separate identities – a professional companion and a woman with private life. By definition escort girls don’t date clients - getting romantically linked with a customer is not wise from a business point of view. In addition, it also creates safety concerns: it can make the escort girl vulnerable to risks in her private sphere. However, due to the nature of the business, the hypothesis of a client falling for the escort often turns into reality. How are you supposed to react as an escort girl if one of your clients expresses the desire to see you outside your work? How are going to reply when he offers to take you out on a date? Of course, you have to turn him down, but what is the best way to do this? It is not a simple situation of saying no to a guy who doesn’t fancy. Clients are your source of income, the quintessence of your business. Certainly, a customer who wants to date an escort in Lausanne is in breach of one the principal laws of the profession, but outside this particular infringement, he might be a perfectly good patron – respectful and well-mannered. Do you need to say goodbye to a regular customer on account of his proposal? Every case is individual, so it does depend on the situation and the person. Sometimes you might be able to salvage your professional relationship and keep the man as a customer. In other cases, you have to let him go for the greater good of your business and to secure your personal well-being. In all circumstances, though you have to be careful when you turn him down and enact this tactfully, diplomatically, but also firmly. Your goal is not to cause any unnecessary distress to him while also avoiding negative repercussions for yourself. It is not an easy balance, but there are some helpful suggestions on how to handle the situation gracefully yet efficiently.  

Honesty is the best policy

This is a key requirement to maintain dignity when communicating with the client. When you word your refusal to date him use direct language. There is no need to sugar-coat the facts – you need to convey your message truthfully and simply. By not sweetening the refusal and indulging in unnecessary lies, you would be demonstrating your trust in the client – a belief that he is perfectly able to handle the matter maturely and as a grown-up. A sincere and plain-spoken approach will always be preferable to some contrived excuse. Plus, it will leave no room for doubt or make the client uncertain of your intentions.

 Do not justify yourself  

Accept that once you have delivered the rejection in an open and honest way, the clients’ feelings will no longer be your responsibility. Your obligation concludes with conveying the message and if you attempt to add unnecessary or false information, you will just get tangled up in details. You don’t have to put additional thoughts into providing an explanation. You don’t have to supply thousands of reasons for your choices. This will simply dilute your points. This leads us to the next rule -

 No wishy-washy statements

You have to be categorical, not conditional and vague. Being brusque might make things appear a little painful for the moment but long-term the client would clearly benefit from knowing the truth about where he stands in relation to you.

 Tact and respect

Of course, being straightforward and honest does not mean acting in a callous way! Everyone deals with rejections in their own way – some guys take it in their stride, and others can feel deeply hurt. You are not responsible for their distress, but you would be at fault if you choose this moment to be nasty and disparaging to them. This is not a time to say anything remotely critical to the man - even if he is not one of your favorite clients.  You are not appraising him – you are just informing him you won’t be dating him. Don’t tell him he is not your type or he does not appeal to you physically, even if this so. Be tactful and respectful of his feelings. Sometimes, for customers who appear particularly wounded by your words, you can make an exception and take a slightly more personalized, sensitive approach. You can mention their great qualities and how good they have made you feel (don’t get carried away). You can even offer up some information about yourself in a way of excuse, such as the inability to indulge in personal contacts at this time. However, use this approach extremely judiciously, and do not lapse into explanation/justification mode. Continue to keep your message clear, but let your emotional intelligence take the lead for a little while so that you reject him with some sensitivity and compassion.


Regardless of how you choose to personalize your response, do not be tempted to leave any doors open to future romantic possibilities. Eliminate the need for further discussion on the subject. Your message should be crystal-clear and decisive. There couldn’t be anything more detrimental to your’ and your client’s peace of mind than some vague hope for the future or the prospect of revisiting the matter again sometime. You would just be stringing him along, and long term it will cause more upset. Being clear about the break-up might appear harsh, but in fact, it is the kinder approach that will prevent emotionally detrimental outcomes for the client. It would be really unkind if you contribute to deception and let him enjoy the delusions that a personal relationship between you two might still be on the cards.  Assure him the option of dating is completely unrealistic and make your message sounds final and decisive. It would be way more empathetic to deliver one irreversible clear cut, rather than numerous tiny stabs over a prolonged time.

 No mixed signals

If you are intent on keeping the relationship strictly professional, refrain from any communication with the client over the social media, as this might be wrongly interpreted as desire to re-establish the connection. This would downplay the rejection and render meaningless all your hard! There is no point going through so much trouble if an absent-minded “like” on the social media would regenerate the conversation between you before the time is right. It is generally a good practice for escorts in Geneva to keep their personal social accounts separate from their professional online presence, and this is particularly important in times like this to eliminate any chance of untimely or unwelcome contact with the client.

 Cut off all contact – for a while

The best practice dictates that the rejection should be followed by a period of silence for both parties. This means not just physical separation – as in no bookings, no sessions, no meetings of any descriptions, but also the absence of indirect contact – i.e. no phone calls, texts, etc. The client needs this time to process the rejection and to deal with his own thoughts.  Therefore any message suggesting empathy or interest in his feelings will only complicate things.  If you decide to show kindness and follow up your conversation with a supportive message like “sorry I know it is difficult, but hope you feel better soon”, this will only impede his progress. The course of his recovery will then be longer and more painful. As an escort girl, you need to create a clear space – both physically and mentally between yourself and the customer to let things settle down. He needs a perspective that only a period of separation can give him. The subsequent weeks and months will show whether he has moved on.


After you have turned him down

It is quite possible that in time the customer will bounce back from the rebuff, and decide that he is happy to see you again in your professional capacity of an escort girl and nothing more. If so, all can go back to normal, provided you are feeling again relaxed in each other’s company as before.  Or, he might find that he is unable to deal with his feelings which would make observing your ground rules impossible. The dynamic of your connection will never be the same - therefore you cannot keep him as a customer. As long as things remain civil between you, there would be no cause for concern, although of course you would incur some of the loss income. Much more unpleasant would be the situation where the client becomes aggressive as a result of the rejection. At the very first signs of threatening behavior, ensure you cut all contacts and never communicate with him again. Do not accept any requests for further bookings regardless of his promises. The same applies for any insults or uncontrolled ranting – don’t be tempted to excuse those as a mere reaction to your rejection. Adults should be able to deal with rejection without descending into incivility. Escort girls’ personal safety is paramount, so don’t tolerate unhinged behavior and don’t ever be in two minds about it – it is an offense warranting straight up blacklisting.