There is a common perception of the escort work as a fun employment bringing high earnings. It certainly can be a good job, and if you are at the start of your career, there is every reason to be optimistic – you can enjoy a good work-life balance and excellent pay.  This however does not mean that you can approach the challenges of your working life ineptly. To be successful, you need the appropriate preparation. If you envisage simply receiving a shedload of money for a few hours of companionship, you are very wrong. This is a job requiring planning and knowledge. Yes, the earning potential is great, but you need to put in some efforts before creaming off the benefits. What will get you there is in-depth research and wise strategy.  One of the first decisions you have to make is about your fees. How much are you going to charge for escort services? The answer seems deceptively easy – as much as possible of course. But how do you arrive at a precise figure? You cannot just pluck a number out of a thin air because this is not how money transactions work. 

First, you need to establish the minimum you have to be paid to make the job worthwhile. You have to do some calculations, so grab a pen and paper and start jotting down your expenses. Make a comprehensive list. Begin with the big spends, such as rent and transport. These figures alone will get you right to the basics of your new career. They will reflect some important decisions you have to take.   Are you intending to work from home? Are you going to do mostly in-calls, mostly outcalls, or a mixture of both? Are you planning to use a room at your usual residence or rent another place? These are essential questions you have to answer when considering which options work best for you. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.  All variants have their advantages and downsides, so you have to make a choice with your specific circumstances in mind.

Prepare your location

 If your intention is to focus on in-calls, then consider if your usual residence will allow for a separate space. That way you won’t need to fork out for a rent, at least at the beginning. However, you might need to factor in some costs of adapting the place and repurposing it for sessions with clients.  Don’t forget that there cannot be any mixing between your private and professional lives – and this should be reflected clearly in the way you delineate the areas in your residence. A separate entrance would be ideal, but if there isn’t one, ensure at least some kind of physical partition. This will guarantee your privacy and safety and will help you maintain clear boundaries between your personal life and your professional role. If you decide to rent a place specifically for your in-calls, then of course the major expense you have to make are the rental costs, as well as the overheads – electricity, heating, service charges.

Plan your transport fees

If you are planning to work mostly via outcalls, then you have to calculate the price of the transport. Again, you have to consider whether you will work only locally. If you are prepared to travel longer distances, you may be able to get more bookings, but of course, you have to decide on your means of getting there – your own car, public transport, driver, or a taxi.

Next, think about working materials - everything you will use in the process of your work. Just like an office needs stationery to function, you need a good supply of items to help you run your activities. Everything needs to be costed – furnishings, bedding, towels, aromatic oils used for massage, creams, and lotions. You want an objective picture of your outlays, so don’t be afraid to itemize even things that might look insignificant in price – it all adds up.

 Then, move on to clothing. It goes without saying that in addition to some smart outfits you need to invest in beautiful lingerie. Regardless of what type of escort girl you see yourself as, the very minimum is a couple of sexy pieces (sateen or lace), the obligatory stockings, and high heels. This should cover the basics until you expand to a full professional wardrobe. You have to spend on some basic sex toys (the cost of this can be surprisingly high), so be prepared to factor this in as well. Of course, if you want to focus on fetish services, you need a whole separate category of apparel, not to mention the specialized equipment.

Then, there are things that are less tangible than the clothes and erotic paraphernalia, but important nonetheless. Adverting escort services can swallow quite a bit of money, at least until you have learned your way around the adult industry. There are internet fees and prices for including and maintaining your ad on escort directories. You can set up your own website relatively cheaply or pay a little extra and have it designed professionally. Do not forget the free publicity you can generate from social media – utilize opportunities such as blogs, online chats, free videos, and posts.

In a separate class are the expenses related to looks, health, and wellbeing. In another profession, you can probably get away with a modest level of personal care, but looks are central to the erotic business. Hair, skin, manicure, pedicure - everything has to be immaculate. Therefore estimate the cost of cosmetics, visits to the hair salon, regular beauty treatments, gym, and fitness classes.  It is also essential to maintain good health and to have frequent health checks and days off. Yes, when you determine your charges, think about allowing yourself some downtime.  In this business looking after yourself is vital if you are to last. You need time to replete your energy levels regularly so do not be afraid to include the price of recreation in your balance sheet. Do not neglect your private life, your family and your circle of friends. High earnings can be very addictive and may tempt you to feel your diary chockablock with bookings. Be aware you need a good work/rest balance. The escort job is about the persona you create, the private life - about the real you. Try to work smart, not just hard.

In essence, make a full inventory of every expense you anticipate for the first six months so. Then you will know precisely how much you need to earn not just to break even, but to get a profit.  It is easy to forget or disregard small expenses that eat into your day-to-day earnings. Better to err on the pessimistic side and prepare for a smaller income than being in the red at the end of this period.

How much you charge can vary depending on whether you are a full-time escort or provide service as a sideline only. If you just want to boost your earnings, you have to adopt a different strategy compared to the schedule used when you are earning a living. Part-timers can experiment a little, but with full-time employment, you need to stick to your plans. Research the swiss escort directories featuring local girls. Spend some time going through various escort ads and the average prices of various erotic services. If you have friends who already work as an escort in Geneva, talk with them. Find out what are the accepted fees locally for the type of escort service you are prepared to provide. Putting the value of your skills can be tricky. Your goal is to come up with a figure that is reasonable but also acknowledges your qualities. Naturally, youth and beauty are always desirable in this line of work, but older companions who are not conventionally pretty sometimes command great rates too – it is all a matter of marketing and adaptability. Experience counts as it underlines the self-confidence needed to put a good price on your abilities. Don’t forget that specialized services are charged at a different rate and if you intend to work on the fetish scene, your earnings will be higher. However, this type of work often requires more practice and suits better escort girls with several years of work under their belt. But even if you work in typical settings, you can demand higher rates for escort services such as the girlfriend experience or the porn star experience. One of the best ways to raise your fees is to get some expertise in a niche area. Remember, everything outside the standard package costs extra. Clients will pay more and will do it willingly due to the market shortages.

Be reasonable in your prices

You should neither oversell nor undersell yourself. Try to assess your talents objectively. Some girls imagine working at the highest end of the market and aim for the top escort agencies of Lausanne, while lacking the very specific qualities required by these companies. Working as an exclusive companion is not just a matter of exceptional appearance, but also of social background, education and self-assurance. As a new starter, you should first determine for yourself what type of punters will make you feel most comfortable. There are plenty of opportunities in all sections of the erotic industry and of course you can be flexible in your approach. It might take you some time to discover your true nature as an escort girl and to develop fully your character and your working identity. Start and see how you fare – if you find you are not successful, change tactics as you go. And, while the average industry fees will serve as pointers for you, do not consider them a mantra – re-think and correct your charges as you go along, in keeping with your evolving abilities and individuality.

 Find your place on the spectrum. Who is your target clientele? If you intend to work with average clients, there is no point comparing yourself with the very high-end Geneva escorts who move in high societal circles. If you get on best with suburban typed, do not draw parallels with girls who market themselves as cheap and cheerful. Are you going to rely on a few wealthy customers for occasional sessions or on multiple bookings with prices in the lower bracket?  

 One of your first financial goals should be securing several loyal clients, even if you need to charge less. Having regular clientele will bring you distinct advantages. Firstly, you would be able to predict and therefore rely on certain income, which will allow you to budget with better accuracy. Secondly, return custom always influences positively your inner beliefs and boosts your self-assurance. Earning more and earning regularly is closely related to certainty in your own professional worth. Regular bookings, apart from their pragmatic value of keeping your business in good shape, are psychologically stimulating – they prove that your skills are in consistent demand. They show the product you offer is sought after, liked and appreciated.

 Always keep track of your spending and adjust the rates accordingly. If you see you are off track and there is a risk you will not fulfill your financial goals for the month, you can either increase your rates or try to secure more clients at lower rates. Some escort girls feel they should not discuss their rates with prospective customers. Occasionally men try to lower the charges and come up with various reasons you should give them a discount. Remember, it is easy to stick to your decision when you feel confident that the prices represent your talents truthfully. Don’t be reluctant to emphasize all your great personal qualities. All freelancers have to negotiate from time to time to assert their worth to clients. Trust your own judgment. If a client is being disrespectful and offers an insultingly low price for your service, just get rid of him. Business transactions with cheapskates are poor form financially, as well as emotionally draining and detrimental to your self-esteem.

 Plan for slow days and less busy seasons. You might need to adapt your fees again if the bookings are scarce. It is always advisable to put money aside while the going is good to help you get through these stages. If possible, create professional friendship with colleagues from the escort industry. See other swiss sex workers not just as competitors, but also as collaborators with shared challenges to overcome. You can not only exchange information and tips about clients and fees, but occasionally team up to work together if customers request more than one call girl – it is not just a matter of money, but of trust and rapport you build through professional alliance.