A tale as old as time, and a trade that has been around for almost as long - Offering companionship for cold, hard cash, and in the right circles, there is plenty of it. Being an escort girl is no longer a profession to be ashamed of, although you should always be discreet, however, there is more of an art to it than people believe. In the stunning exotic places, the best-paying clients only want the elite. Switzerland is a beautiful place, full of equally beautiful people, therefor local Escort girls need to be the creme de la creme. But, how do you make the transition from simply an escort to the elite? It isn’t easy, however, it isn’t exactly impossible either.

Follow these 7 tactics to become an elite escort in Geneva.

7. Don’t Be Afraid to Charge What You’re Worth: Many people determine classification by how much something costs. Do not be afraid to charge the amount that you are truly worth. The high-end clientele is willing to and expecting to, pay quite a bit of cash for the best of the best (which is YOU).

6. Trashy VS Classy - Know the Difference: Of course, when you are literally the ‘product’, you always want to look the part. However there is a fine line between being classy and sexy, and being trashy. High-end clientele wants someone that can look the part and carry themselves with an air of class.

5. Be Seen Where it Matters: All paid companions, but especially the elite Geneva escorts, need to know where the ‘it’ spot is. You are not going to find the elite, high-paying clients at the local pub. Know where the big rollers go to have fun and spend money and make sure that you are in the center of it all.

4. Stand Out - Make Them Want YOU: You want to get noticed but also leave them wanting. Use your personal strengths to stand out in the crowd. Be unforgettable. When there are more than a few options, you need to stand out from the crowd.

3. Beggars Can’t Be Choosers, But An Elite Escort Can and Should Be: You are only worth the company you keep. If you want to be an elite escort in Lausanne, you need to be selective of the clients you take on. Only work with clients that are of an elite caliber. It is more than ok to be particular of who you date and make them chase you.

2. Be Willing to Be Where the Client Needs You to Be (For the Right Price, Of Course): Being an elite call girl means that you will have elite clientele. It also means that you should be willing to be where and when they expect you to be. Don’t be shy about renegotiating, your time is valuable and your availability is quite limited (at least it should always seem that way).

1. Fake It Till You Make It: Even if you are not yet an elite prostitute, you should still be presenting yourself as the most elite escort girl in Geneva. Find the confidence and you will be at the top of the game in no time.

Extra Pointers: Networking: Most in this business build their client base by word of mouth. Find out who you need to know, and get to know them.

Aim for Regulars: Having a few elite regulars in your little black book can greatly increase your income. Repeat customers are willing to pay top dollar for their favorite elite girl.

Safety is Number One: Trust your instincts. If you feel as if something is off, it probably is. (This is another reason why having regular clients is always a plus) Believing in yourself is the foundation of actually making things happen. And that could really apply to virtually everything. It is especially important in this business, though. Confidence is most certainly key, and it truly is the one thing that makes you your most beautiful. If you want to be elite, you should be the first to see yourself that way. After all, somebody famous once said, if you can see it, you can be it. Do your research, stay safe, and never settle.