Escort directories always develop their services with the customers in mind and are constantly finding more inventive and more straightforward ways to satisfy men’s desires. This is not surprising, as bringing pleasure and allowing the customers to act out their fantasies lies at the very core of the adult industry. Throughout the years erotic cravings may take different shapes and directions, but professional companions remain willing to ensure a great experience. To that end, they try to fine-tune their services to the clients’ innermost needs.

With the increased accessibility of porn and the user-friendly sexual content conveniently present on all kinds of social media, professional escort girls have broadened their offers accordingly. Now our visitors can choose an escort in Geneva not just on the basis of physical characteristics, such as age, body type, and hair color, but also by specifying the nature of the erotic experience they want to have. Phrases such as Girlfriend Experience and Porn Star Experience, for instance, have entered the language of the escort ads as shorthand for different offers. It is vital therefore that the prospective client is aware of what these various services entail before he books a session with an escort girl.

The Girlfriend Experience

Tailored specifically for men who want some intimacy and sexual closeness in their lives, the girlfriend experience (the expression is often shortened to GFE) aims to replicate the gentle, flirtatious, and somewhat innocent vibe of a new romantic affair. The session may take place in the setting of a dinner date, a sleepover, or a weekend trip. The escort girl and her client will relive those heady first days of a love relationship when everything between the new partners feels sweet and fresh. The accent is on cuddling, deep kissing, caressing, and finding out about each other’s bodies in a warm and tender way. As things progress pretty much with the dynamic of a real-life date, communication is of equal importance to sex. The nature of the experience is intimate, the emphasis is on seduction, flirty fun, long talks, and sensuality. The call girl will be dressed stylishly and wear sexy underwear, perhaps plenty of lace and silk, to encourage playfulness and erotic curiosity. There is no trashiness, and none of the whorish, sluttish feels is sometimes associated with the sex worker style. And of course, in step with the natural flow of this experience, the client can be expected to take things slowly and steadily and allow the communication to progress at its own speed, to reach a level of familiarity and emotional comfort. Just like with a real girlfriend, the customer should express what feels good to him and find out what his companion likes. If the first session is a success, and the client makes a repeat booking, this closeness, familiarity and intimacy will increase further, and the sessions will resemble even more a genuine love affair. The customer can look forward to affectionate and warm encounters, with none of the possible complications a real romantic relationship often cause.

The Girlfriend Experience is the preferred booking for men who have become recently single, either by choice or involuntary, as well as for clients who for various reasons have never had a girlfriend. It is a huge confidence booster and can bridge successfully the gap between singledom and a new or first relationship by making the customers more secure in their dating competence, sexual skills and emotional readiness. But the scope of the Girlfriend Experience is a lot greater  - it is considered equally suitable for men in long marriages or established relationships with somewhat faded erotic appeal. Customers in those circumstances request the Girlfriend Experience to re-live the sensuality of their first love encounters. What could be more exhilarating to a jaded middle-age guy with tones of social responsibilities than spending some time with a pretty escort in Lausanne,  in a perfectly safe environment,  feeling a little frivolous, a little foolish and playful again, with no threat to anything and anyone important in his life? No wonder customers who try the Girlfriend Experience report back that it has truly put a spring in their step!


The Porn Star Experience

This experience is on a completely different level – tailored to the needs of men who are prepared to explore their sexual fantasies and appetites adventurously, even shamelessly. It is common knowledge that porn has become not just more accessible, but a lot more hard-line, sometimes exploring techniques that can be perceived as forceful and antagonistic. Porn videos abound with images of slapping, spitting, deep-throating, hair-pulling. It is a hard-hitting, high-octane sex, and men who watch porn often want to replicate these acts in their own lives. However, what seems achievable on the setting of an xxx video is not that easily reproducible in reality. Men do no always have willing partners happy to re-enact the actions of a hardcore scene. Or, sometimes, even with a partner who might be inclined to behave like a porn star, the effect is not the same – unsurprisingly, as porn stars are professionals really committed to their craft.

Fortunately for all customers who find themselves in such a situation, the Porn Star Experience our escorts provide is a great real-life imitation of all the exciting stuff you see on screen. The companions skilled in this erotic service are sexually adventurous and find extreme pleasure in satisfying their clients’ desires. The PSE is a relatively new product and the provision varies from one prostitute to another, however, with our girls you can expect a truly mind-blowing performance. They will wear kinky outfits, the more sluttish, the better. Expect dirty talk, loud moaning, lots of passion, super-charged sex, and highly provocative language.   Slapping, anal play, use of toys, multiple positions, cum on the face or body can all be included, depending on prior agreement with the courtesan. The overall intention is to bring the session as close as possible in its character to the porn scenes that have fired up the client’s imagination. However, due to the intensity and the exceptional level of trust required during this experience, the escort girl and her client need to have a clear agreement on the nature of the actions the particular session will include. Not every escort girl from Geneva is comfortable with all sides of the Porn Star Experience and just because a customer has booked this exceptional service does not mean he has a carte blanch to re-enact everything he has seen happening in porn videos. The arrangement about what the session will include is going to be specific and the client must stick to it, respecting the escort’s limits and her discretion. Although in general the Girlfriend Experience is considered the best setting for achieving intimacy, the real trust established between the escort girl and her client is truly tested via the Porn Star experience where mutual respect is paramount. To a certain degree, this experience is even more intense than the videos they recreate as the porn scenes, despite the appearance of spontaneity they project,  typically show scripted performances. The real-life Porn Star Experience relies for its success on good communication and mutual understanding between the escort and the client – and once these conditions are fulfilled, it can be a truly unforgettable event.

The Special Escorts (Dommes)

In the hierarchy of escort services, PSE occupies a place of raunchiness, but not the top tier of experimentation. Turn the things up a notch and we arrive at the stomping ground of the dominatrix mistresses – the place of the kinkiest desires and deepest secrets. In the escort directories, the Dommes are grouped under the BDSM title, so your search for strong, beautiful, power-hungry women should start there.  Clients turn to our mistresses, as these supremely skilled sex workers can help them indulge in pain and pleasure and bring them to a state of ecstasy not readily achievable through more conventional means.

These companions operate from dungeons equipped with a large arsenal of whips, handcuffs and restraints, but are happy to make outcalls and bring the tools of their trade along.

Communication, always important in the escort business, is crucial here, with honesty and openness from the customer being absolutely essential. Not much is out of bounds, as long as the client articulates clearly his fantasies and the expectations from the session.

 Customers booking our Domination escorts come from all types of backgrounds, but they all have dreams focused on punishment and humiliation as vehicles for achieving pleasure. There is no clear explanation for the satisfaction they experience as a result of the pain and discomfort endured voluntarily, but it is suspected the increase in adrenaline and the rush of endorphins might have something to do with it. The feeling of pleasure is intense, with unreal, almost dream-like quality to it. Of course, not every escort can provide this service and only a very experienced dominatrix can take the responsibility of dealing with such intense sensations. The BDSM escorts are extremely adept at their work – they understand the human body well, and have a great experience that allow them to control the pain with masterful precision.  It is a relationship of complete trust and reliance.

Clients turn to these escorts mostly because they feel unable to share their desires with spouses or other partners.  Some men work in demanding jobs with a great amount of responsibility. During the BDSM session, they feel supreme happiness in relinquishing control and becoming the plaything of a gorgeous prostitute. They love the sense of freedom they find in this. They experience exhilarating emotions of alternating fear, desire and sexual satisfaction. The session with dominatrix can include anything from spanking and role play to spitting, handcuffing, golden showers and use of strap-on.

The BDMS escort services are usually more pricey. There are several reasons for this. A well-equipped dungeon can cost quite a bit, so this is an investment the escort girl makes before she has even started taking bookings. There are various pieces of equipment tailored to the individual customers’ wishes and the content of the session. The Dominas are very competent and the higher charges reflect the level of their expertise. To start with, they have to be extremely dexterous (you would be surprised how many people can’t even tie a knot properly, never mind operate more complex BDSM apparatus!). It is all about safety and capability – and the prospective user of their services would understand and appreciate this.