Lots of men fantasise about hiring an escort girl and indulging in some no-strings fun. Yet when it comes to arranging the actual encounter, they might feel not entirely self-assured. Prospective clients often wonder about the legality of such adult activities. Inexperienced guys in particular might fear that when meeting an escort girl they are potentially committing a misdemeanour or at the very least are entering a shady area where the lines between lawfulness and wrongdoing are blurred.

If you are nervous about this, be reassured: In the eyes of the law the clients do not pay for escort services, but are purchasing time and company. Formally therefore the nature of the transaction is not buying and selling of sex,  but rather companions selling companionship. The official premise is that swiss escorts entertain, converse and communicate – at a price. They use their supreme social skills in set portions of time, available at a fee. Think of it as a commercialised version of the befriending services sometimes provided in the community. Individuals often request the services of a befriender to join them in their house or meet them in a café to chat over a drink. Sometimes they might ask to be accompanied on a walk or at an event. It can be a regular arrangement or a one-off thing. Escort services are not that dissimilar, but the provider here is an attractive woman the client has chosen from a website, through an agency, or via personal recommendation. If a sexual contact ensues as a result of the meeting between him and the call girl, this would be a strictly private business, a confidential agreement of consenting parties of legal age, exercising their free choices in a private setting with no repercussions to anyone else. The legal presumption is that payment has nothing to do with any sexual services. The escort sells time slots, the agency sells advertising services, the web portal sells spaces on its online platform.  Therefore, no illegal activity takes place.

Advantages of hiring escort girls

Men have different reasons  to seek the services of companion, and only few of these are actually related to sex. Some men experience loneliness if they are between relationship. Others have never been romantically involved, and may suffer loss of confidence. Meeting an escort in Geneva would be beneficial for them as a form of emotional catch-up to help them re-establish some self-belief . There is nothing like an experienced glamourous lady treating you like you are the most charming man alive to get you out of a relationship impasse! Some men might feel their otherwise successful marriages have started to feel a little cold and stale, and deprived of eroticism. Instead of pursuing an extramarital affair with all the possible complications from it,  regular sessions with an escort in Lausanne can certainly alleviate the feeling of isolation and provide warmth and confidence boost. Professional swiss escort girls always maintain complete confidentiality, so there is no danger of the liaisons ever being revealed.

The women who work as escorts

If you ask men about the main qualities of a professional escort, the most common answers would focus on her physical characteristics – beauty, sexual appeal, physical attractiveness.  Undeniably, the adult industry is heavily related to appearance and erotic charm. Looks are important and some  escorts are indeed exquisitely beautiful – former or current models, professional dancers, aspiring actresses, striptease performers, or occupied in similar professions where physical perfection is almost a part of the job description. However, being an escort involves a lot more than just being superficially attractive.   Local Geneva escorts are skilled in showcasing their physical  qualities in the most advantageous way and making the most of their natural talents. They develop their fashion sense, take good care of themselves, expand their education and knowledge.  Some have attended prestigious universities, others have worked in business, art, science.   They are all excellent communicators, and have perfected their abilities to connect well with different people. Describing them simply in terms of their looks  is reductive and does not do justice to the complexity of their personalities; while important and desirable,  beauty is not the whole person.

Choosing to become an escort in Geneva

Clients often wonder about the driving force behind such career choice (although they should not ask the escort about her reasons). For some it is the excitement of having unconventional, unorthodox employment – as far as possible from the rigidity of the 9 to 5 work model. The adult industry offers plenty of opportunities to meet various people, and for those curious  to find more about human nature, there is no better place to explore and learn. There is a thrill of adventure, a  glint of glamour . Money is also a factor – the successful escort’s earnings are not comparable with those in a more conventional job. Alongside the cash payment, there are the incentives of travelling, luxury hotels, fine dining, beautiful cities, glittering events. Some women value the chance to meet clients who work at  the very top of the corporate world. They use their contacts to gain special knowledge about business, trade deals, the inner workings of the company.

Women are also attracted to the independent nature of the adult work. There is a sense of freedom in being your own boss. Of course, most of the companions do need to work very hard, particularly at the start of their career, but this is the case with pretty much every freelancer.

Some clients worry about the safety within the industry. The general perception is that escorts might be at an increased risk of coming across some unsavoury character. However, in any type of employment,  no worker can receive full guarantee against something unpleasant happening in the course of their work. The prostitutes can be at an increased risk if their client base is not vetted and verified. Consequently, the call girls take great care in minimising their exposure to risk, by meticulous safety checks performed on every new client. In fact, new customers can be slightly taken aback at diligence used in requesting and verifying their details.  Don’t be put off by this: it is the agency’s obligation and the escorts’ prerogative to ensure safe working conditions – and ultimately this contributes to the security of the industry as a whole.  

As the first contact with the escort girl is typically via photo, some customers wonder about the possibility of deception. Fakery can affect every online business where customers exercise their choice on the basis on the basis of visual information, and unfortunately escort services are not exempt from this – in fact, by their very nature, they can be particularly vulnerable to tricks, some subtle, others more obvious. It is mostly a question of reliability - of the agency, as well as the prostitute. In time clients do develop an intuitive feeling about how genuine the girl photographs are, but until such moment they depend on the integrity of the agency. Therefore, the way to go is to inquire, research, read reviews. Some Lausanne escort girls post completely fake pictures on their ads, so when the client meets the companion they find out she has little to do with the image on the photo. Another, less blatant way of  falsifying the advert, is using heavily edited pictures. There are plenty of digital tools used in touching up, airbrushing and beautifying images, and most of them have become easily accessible. Filters and enhancement techniques can alter the photographs to a level that makes them unrecognisable when compared to the real person. Alteration to such degree can amount to duplicity as ultimately the client is made to choose on the basis of fabricated information. Always try and secure feedback and recommendations. Reputable agencies often authenticates the photos, labelling them as genuine, or explains in the introduction to the site that all modes have provided real pictures in the gallery of images included in their ads. Some agencies go as far as actually organising their own photoshoots for the escort listed on the their site, for consistency in the format throughout, and as a guarantee for the customers. Not all agencies go down that route however. The portals serving as advertising platforms for the independent escorts mostly leave the visual side of things to the discretion of the companions, so the client has to make a choice based on his intuition, reviews and expectations.

Do not confuse blurring of photos with fakery! Some pictures are completely genuine, but the face of escort might be obscured for purposes of privacy. Do not forget that many escorts keep their employment secret, not wishing to disclose it to friends and families. Therefore, the pictures they supply would be completely genuine, but their faces would be concealed. This is an established practice in the industry and many new escorts resort to it. If you are attracted by an escort profile with a partly obscure picture, you just have to take a bit of a guess. Assuming that everything else rings right to you, a some degree of vagueness would not be that critical. In fact, this might make the things even more exciting by heightening your expectations and contributing to the thrill of the whole experience .